1. Long Sleeve Realtree APG Camo. The eyesight of a deer is limited to the violet end of the spectrum. This means deer have difficulty perceiving green, orange and red. BuckedUp Realtree camo, orange and green are a safe bet this hunting season. Long sleeve Realtree APG Camo provides more coverage to help the hunter blend in with the surroundings. Every hunter needs Realtree Camo.
2. BuckedUp Realtree Xtra® Camo with Safety Pink Mesh Snapback. Hunters hit the stands just before daybreak when temperatures are low. About 10% of body heat is lost through the head. A Realtree Camo hat can help maintain body temperatures, and help them slip below the radar of a deer's eye.
3. Realtree APG Camo Bomber Jacket. Every hunter can appreciate a warm stealthy cover when sitting long hours in the stands. If you care about your hunter and want to keep them warm, consider a Realtree APG Camo Bomber Jacket.
4. APG Camo with Classic BuckedUp® Logo. When the temperatures rise, APG Camo with a zipper opening makes removal of layered camo easy.
5. The number 5 Best Realtree Camo Christmas Gift for a Hunter is a BuckedUp Apparel Gift Card so your special hunter can buy the camo they want.